วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2559

PartIII: Read this passage. Last month Jim, Bob and John built a new road in the jungle. Theyhadatractor. Ithelpedthembuildtheroad. Atnighttheysleptinthehut. Theyleftthetractor neartheroad. In the morning they were surprised because the tractor was upside-down. Theyturnedthetractortherightwayup. Thedriverdroveitontheroad. Itwentallright. Thatnighttheyleftthetractorbytheroadagain. In the morning they were very angry because the tractor was upside-down again. Theyturnedittherightway. Thatnighttheyhidinsomebushesnearthetractor. Theywaitedforlongtime. Thentheyheardanoise. Abig elephantcameout. Itpushed the tractoraway. Thenextday they told their friends about the animal. Theychasedtheelephantaway.

